Friday, April 7, 2023

And that’s a wrap!

Aaaaand we're done filming! Finally! It's been a long, tedious process, but I'm glad that it's finally over.  We decided to dedicate Thursday and today to filming, and we (unsurprisingly but thankfully) finished it all!

On Thursday, we met up after school at around 6 PM at my house and knocked out all the scenes we needed of Diego in his room.  We had Ren there to help with cinematography, and we were able to film everything that we needed in the span of around 4 hours.  This schedule wasn't too long, but it was a pretty draining day for all of us.  We messed with lighting a lot, giving some scenes a darker indigo feel to represent loneliness and to give it a heavier tone, and we used a lighter blue/lilac tone for the lighter, more social scenes.

On Friday, we met up around noon outside of Publix to get the scenes of Diego and Ericka's conversation.  This was probably one of the most exhausting days for all of us.  It required long hours out in the scorching Florida sun, and a lot of re-doing the same scenes over and over again.  As a token of gratitude, I stopped by McDonalds to get a burger and coke for Jack for his help and dedication.  After this, we quickly stopped by Virginia's house to get a few scenes of the outside of Diego's room, and we finished the day back at my house filming some final TikToks.  And just like that, we're done!

For now, we're taking the rest of the day slow and using it to rest and recover from the last two days of intense filming.  Afterwards, we'll be meeting up tomorrow and Sunday to edit, and we'll use the rest of the week to finalize everything.

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