Friday, March 11, 2022

Joey's Monologue

Despite having most of my ideas fleshed out, I have yet to develop a filming schedule or even receive permission to film inside any of privately-owned locations... This, naturally, has put a wrench in my plans.  So, instead of sitting around waiting for an email back (and risk falling behind), I decided to call my friend Joey and have him record the monologue.

The night before, I had texted Joey asking him to send over a recording, but the audio just wasn't quite sounding like I had imagined in my head.  As I like to say, Joey sounds like a So-Cal surfer dude who's recording a YouTube vlog intro.  Although this is definitely helpful for other aspects of life, his voice doesn't fit the mental image I had made for Joseph's character.  In my head, Joseph is devoid of any emotion or emphasis in his voice, and instead says things very matter-of-factly.  This was something that I discussed with Joey during our call.

shoutout to Discord

After some direction and various attempts, we had finally gotten a version of the monologue that I was satisfied with.  However, after uploading it to Premiere Pro and beginning the editing process, I encountered some issues.  Joey had spoken the monologue only once, and then had repeated certain phrases that sounded off to me.  This was great in the moment, since it took up less time and we could work on the lines more specifically.  However, it was only as I was editing this together that I noticed the obvious changes in volume.  Additionally, Joey's voice still maintained his surfer bro tonality.  At one point, I even considered having another friend do the V.O., and just picture Joey on-screen instead.

shoutout to Premiere Pro

Yet, I relented.  I'm still in the process of piecing this whole thing together, but it's been very slow-going so far.  In good news, though, I think I found some music!  My dad, who's a musician, has offered to make the score for my production.  As soon as I finish editing the monologue, I'll send it over to him, who'll make a sort of ambiental-yet-ominous background music.  However, as of now, I have enough on my plate.

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